2298880931 [email protected]



We make sure your website is protected, optimized, backed up and expertly cared for.

“Once your website is live, it’s super important to protect it from malware and hacks that can take your site down and affect your Google rankings but it’s also important to keep the tools in the site updated to make sure the site is running quickly and efficiently.

When you sign up for one of our managed wordpress hosting plans, we take on the stress of all these complexities so you can focus on and grow your business. Let us deal with all the maintenance stuff!”

Glennette Goodbread - Managed WordPress Hosting Albany GA


Here's a snapshot of the key components that make our managed wordpress hosting plans invaluable for our clients.


Managed WordPress Hosting is the foundation of your website. Security, performance, optimization and ease of use all depend on it. We offer managed hosting for all our clients so you don't have to worry about a thing.


Just like your phone has software updates, your website needs to be updated too. Additionally, out-of-date plugins are the #1 leading cause of website hacks. We take care of weekly updates for you.


We have special tools that monitor your website's traffic and activity, protect against potential hacks or breaches and keep an eye on “up time” to ensure your site is up and running fine.


Backing up your website consistently is critical for many reasons but most importantly, if the site should need to be restored, transferred or downloaded, we offer external backups and restore points for all clients on our plans.


In order for websites to load fast, perform well and to ensure speed, the files, database and media need to be optimized. We have special tools that keep your site optimized and running smoothly along with cleaning up any and all “web junk.”



You shouldn't have to try to determine what's going on via your site. We take care of that for you with an in-depth (but not overwhelming) monthly report which also highlights what we're doing month to month on your site.


You as a client get priority support. We'll set up exclusive contact details for you to ping us with whenever you need an update, addition or when you have any questions and we do our best to get back with you within 24hrs on business days. P.S. It's always sooner 😉


We're in your corner every month and we know what's happening on the “web side” of your business. This gives us the ability to offer strategy, new marketing ideas and conversion best practices to implement on your site which we can discuss quarterly or annually depending on your plan.


EVERY website needs to have an up-to-date privacy policy which protects your site visitors traffic and activity. We do that for you if you are on the Elite plan. We will install and configure a tool that keeps your site legal with auto-updating policies that generate automatically.


As a client on our premium or elite managed wordpress hosting plans, we offer complimentary time (how much is determined by your plan) for ongoing website updates, additions or changes! I'm not talking about the WordPress core and plugins here. We are going to make actual updates to your website like updating the text, changing out images, adding a product to your ecommerce store etc.

Additionally, all care plan clients get a 20% discount on our hourly rate for work beyond the time in the plan.


Here are just a few of the most common scenarios of unprotected sites:



If your website isn't maintained and protected, it's not a question of “if” but “when” a hack will occur.



If your website isn't optimized, it'll perform and load slower as time goes on affecting conversions and sales.



If your website isn't consistently backed up, you could completely lose your website's content and progress when a breach happens.



If your website isn't maintained and optimized, Google knows and ranks sites that are digitally “alive.”



If your website has any glaring issues such as a down SSL Certificate or notices of an unsecure connection, it affects traffic, seo & brand legitimacy.



By not having your website cared for monthly, everything we cover in our plan is on you and will cost you in tools, time and unneeded stress.


You don't have to maintain your own website and go it alone.

We offer a perfect plan for your website so that you can rest easy and have us in your corner every month, taking care of these complex, confusing and ever-evolving issues in the digital world that YOU shouldn't have to focus on so choose your plan below!


We want to make sure we have the perfect website care plan for your business.


Answers to the most frequently asked questions about our managed wordpress hosting + website care plans.

Are there cancellation fees?

Nope! Our website care plan is monthly or annual with a no-risk, no questions asked guarantee. If for any reason you need to pull your website from our hosting or maintenance plan, you have complete freedom to do so. Your plan is simply billed out for the month or year that's paid for 🙂

Are there any setup fees?

If we're building your website, there is no set up fee as long as it's within a 90 day period!

If, after 90 days, you'd like to join our hosting/maintenance plan at any level, there is a $100 set up fee because we need to update all tools, clean up the database if it hasn't been cleared, install our tools and backup the site among other things.

If we're onboarding a website we did not design, there is a $250 setup fee as we need to do a lot of work up front to update the site, learn the tools and get it ready to be properly maintained.

Do you offer just maintenance?

We will offer to maintain the website if you have hosting elsewhere as long as the hosting company or custom server meets our requirements for properly maintaining and optimizing the site. Contact us to request a consultation and pricing for this.

What if I pass on the plan?

Our maintenance plan is not mandatory for clients but is highly recommended because of the importance of security, optimization, updates, backups, support, etc.

That said, if you choose to forego our care plan, you will, in that case, assume complete responsibility for the website updates, security, backups and other services laid out in this plan by reviewing our LIABILITY CLAUSE that releases us from any involvement if and when the website is breached, hacked or performs slowly because the lack of proper optimization.

Can I join the plan if I originally pass?

Absolutely! If you decide to come back to us after having initially passed on the plan due to the work that's involved in order to properly maintain the site, we'll welcome you to the plan with open arms and make sure your site is protected and cared for. See the setup fees question above for additional information about onboarding a site after 90 days.

What if I require more time than the monthly support time allows?

We’ll always try to get your updates done within your allotted time but if you have a decent amount of updates that will require more hours, we’ll give you an estimate of time and do that at our hourly rate which is reduced for you as a special, monthly care client!

What if I pass on the plan and my site gets hacked?

In this case, you’re welcome to handle it in house by reaching out to our preferred malware and blacklist removal specialists Sucuri or if you’d like to join our plan and have us take care of getting the hack cleaned, we have a $499 site cleaning/set up fee.

Depending on the type of hack/breach and how long the site has been compromised, SEO rankings and blacklisting issues may take weeks or even months to resolve and in some cases will require more additional work to recover from.

Important note: We do not fixed website hacks unless the site will subsequently be added to our plan.

What if the site gets hacked or breached while on the plan?

In the extremely unlikely event that a website is breached or hacked in any way while on our plan, we take full responsibility and will rectify the situation immediately. We can't guarantee there won't be any additional costs but 99% of the time, we're able to fix the site without you lifting a finger or paying anything.

Do you take on sites that you didn't build?

We will take on websites we didn't build as long as they use the tools we're familiar and comfortable (or can learn quickly) with. Additionally, the site's hosting must be one that meets our requirements.

Do you offer price breaks for multiple sites?

Absolutely! If you choose to have us host and maintain additional sites under your account, you'll get a 10% discount (monthly or annual) for every site you add which will be active for as long as host and maintain the sites.

Does my monthly update time roll over?

Sorry, but no. The only way we can afford to do this is to make it a use it or lose it deal.

What's included in the monthly time?

Your monthly time (for premium or elite plans) covers any updates, additions or add-ons to your website that would be considered website maintenance. For example, changing your business' hours, company information, staff or team members, adding new photos, updating services pages, etc. If you have an ecommerce website, we can add/update products for you.

While we do our best to get updates done within your allotted time, if more time is required, we can do so with our hourly retainer which for you is discounted!

Note: The allotted monthly time is for work or updates on the existing website and cannot be used for other projects or a website redesign. We're happy to do those things either via our discounted hourly rate or via a discounted and separate fixed project!


Our plan comes with a no-risk, no-questions-asked guarantee. In the unlikely event that you want to pull your site fron the plan, you only pay for the month or year you've paid for and you'll be provided with appropriate files and logins.


Contact us for any questions you have or to inquire about setting up a custom plan for an advanced website or multiple websites.