If all you offer is one-on-one coaching you will not earn enough money because there are only so many hours in the day. Time is your most limited resource and is very valuable and due to that, you should be charging a premium for your time. If you want to make a coaching program work, it is best to have multiple points of entry into your programs because not everyone can afford, desires or needs the most expensive one-on-one coaching that you offer. Since there is a limited amount of time in each day this is good for you because you can make more money with more offerings anyway.
Level 1 — Free or very low cost email coaching via your autoresponder, using a service such as Aweber. You can set this up easily or have your virtual assistant set it up to deliver each sign up specific emails in a specific order. In each email you send out promote the next level of coaching you offer.
Level 2 — Low cost group webinars that only your Level 1 members are invited to. You can offer these for a very low price due to the fact that many people will show up. There is limited time for one on one Q & A in a group setting such as this so have a prepared presentation that is informative, useful and actionable by the participants. In the webinar you will promote your Level three offering.
Level 3 — The membership site, is an excellent way to offer a mid priced coaching program that can automatically serve many clients, even a hundred clients at once. The great thing is, with “drip” technology you can offer a different level of information to each sign up depending on when they sign up for a truly customized experience for your clients. Of course, you will promote your next level membership.
Level 4 — The inner circle is a very limited offering in that you should limit this to as many people as you can reasonably give some personal attention to. This attention can be in terms of giving full access to all your products and services, allowing them to promote your products and services for a referral fee, as well as offering eBooks, eReports and more that they can use in their own business. You can have exclusive weekly webinars for just your inner circle, and more. And naturally, I think you're getting the hang of this now, you will market your last and most exclusive level to your level 5 coaching.
Level 5 — One-on-one coaching by you on the phone or on Skype is a great way to offer your one-on-one coaching within your practice. You can create a plan and several packages to buy within your one-on-one offerings. For example: Weekly recorded phone calls so that your client can listen to it again. You can give printed information, workbooks, lessons and more. It's up to you how you want to do this. The important thing is to create a lot of value for this one-on-one client and charge accordingly for this value because one-on-one coaching uses up one of your most limited resources, which is time.
Glennette Goodbread, Owner
Premium Web Design and Hosting