After you have created your products, and purchased or created your tools, your marketing strategy is the final push toward creating momentum and great success in your coaching career. You need to create different plans for different offerings at various levels of your product funnel, always keeping your end result in mind.
1. Freebies — Giving away freebies is a way to bring clients into your product funnel that can be very lucrative. Allow people who obtain your freebie, which should be not only a way to bring people into your product funnel but a way to sell them on valuable affiliate tools and products that you use, to give it away and pass it on.
2. Blogging – Blogging is one of the least expensive and quickest ways to see a boost in traffic as long as you are keeping your target market in mind and speak directly to them in each and every blog. Do not try to be all to everyone, talk through your blog , to your ideal client.
3. Advertise — Use pay per click, banner, or other ways to attract people searching for your services and coaching to your least expensive offering such as your newsletter sign up form where they will receive a free newsletter via autoresponder.
4. Social media — Sign up for at least the big three in social media, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn keeping in mind the personality of each platform when you create your profile. Next, you must participate. If you do not participate in the social media conversation where it is important it is unlikely that you will see any return on your investment, which unless you pay someone else, is your time, which we've already established is your most valuable asset.
5. SEO — Search engine optimization which includes: blogging, article marketing, meta tags, keywords, site descriptions, site copy, website copy and more should be implemented right away and a huge part of your overall marketing strategy.
6. Segment your market — Using your autoresponder accurately is very important for you. Create market segments so that if someone purchases the offerings you present to them in your newsletter that they are moved from the first list to another list that shows they purchased a product or service.
7. Up sell & cross sell — Never forget to offer your current clients, and current subscribers your next level or complimentary products, tools and services. Even if a client has purchased all you have to offer, you can make a percentage of selling other people's products and services to that same client.
8. Create or point out scarcity — Hours are few, time is short, so point it out in your marketing copy or actually create a shortage of product, even if it is digital by only allowing a set number of people to purchase it at the given price or given compilation. That does not mean you can't open it up later, charge a different price later, or pack it with other offerings, it just means that you entice people to buy by creating a feeling of loss.
9. Be open — No matter how many blogs you have, or how much you socialize on the Internet if you're not having back and forth conversation with your potential clients, competitors, as well as those who are offering complementary services to yours, then you're missing out big time. Allow people to comment on your blogs, to your forum posts, and to you without censoring them. Of course, if it's not a real comment and is only spam, delete it freely, but if it's a real comment, even if it is negative, have a conversation!
10. Over Deliver — Most people won't think of over delivering as a marketing strategy but it is because your best client is someone who has already bought from you and as a coach you want them to buy from you more than once. If you give mediocre service, or even just live up to your own hype you will fail to impress so over deliver on your promises and you'll create a fan for life.
Glennette Goodbread, Owner
Premium Web Design and Hosting