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Blog Ideas: Where to Find Them

This may surprise you but the actual writing you do on your blog will be your biggest challenge. The biggest one will be coming up with what to blog about. Here are 7 strategies to keep your content fresh and interesting. 1. Read magazines – Magazines are great for...

How to Market Your Blog Successfully

Like I said in the post about search engine optimization for your blog, if you have no audience, it's pretty much useless. To build an audience, you need to have some degree of patience. However, in addition to patience, planning and action also help to market your...

Search Engine Optimization for Your Blog

If your blog has no traffic, it's pretty much useless to you. It's not worth your time unless of course your goal is to have an online journal. Don't worry. Optimizing for the search engines is a straightforward and fairly systematic process. You just need a plan and...

Blog Successfully – Tips For Standing Out

Now that you learned how to install WordPress, you need to know that your blog needs to have some sort of impact. You want to stand out so you attract readers, subscribers and ultimately, profits. Here are a few tips to make sure your blog is as awesome as it can be:...

Blogging for Fun and Profits

Once you start blogging, you quickly realize it's an awesome tool for communicating with your current clients as well as prospects. It allows people to get to know you. Relationship-building becomes much easier when you are blogging on a regular basis. While blogging...

How to Install WordPress

You’ve decided to use WordPress as your blog platform, congratulations! You’ve made a wise decision. Let’s jump right into how to start using this amazing blog platform to build your business by looking at the first step, installing WordPress. This tutorial will walk...