Let me guess. You know you want to start a blog but you’re not really sure how to go about it? Here are five easy steps, and a few good tips, to make the process easy peasy.
1 – Choose your niche. What’s your blog going to be about? You may want to do a bit of keyword research here. If you already have a business, then your blog will, of course, be related to your online business and those keywords, however, you can still narrow your blog niche.
For example, if you have an online business on dog training, your blog could be about positive reinforcement training, about housebreaking, or even about feeding your dog – because health is important to training.
2 – Choose your platform. WordPress, Blogger, Typepad and Moveable type are a few of the options. You can also Self-host using the blogging platform your web host offers which is what I highly recommend. Analyze and compare each platform to find the one that best meets your needs. Many people choose WordPress because of its easy to use nature and the ability to customize your blog.
3- Create your blog/website. Depending on the platform you’re using you will either be working with the template and customizations offered or you can have your blog/website designed by a professional. There are thousands of templates available and they’re easily customizable.
4 – Choose your blogging schedule and stick with it. How often are you going to blog? Create a realistic schedule and stick to it. Remember that even if you decide you’re going to blog once a week, you can always blog more. Blogging less than that isn’t recommended as your visitors expect frequent content updates and search engines love fresh content.
5- Drive traffic. Once you feel comfortable with the number of posts you have on your blog and you’re happy with the way it looks, it’s time to drive traffic to your blog. Social networking, PPC, registering your blog with relevant directories and commenting on other related blogs helps drive traffic. Creating keyword-rich content can bring you lots of targeted organic traffic at no additional cost to you.
To learn more about blogs and how your business could benefit, contact Premium Web Design and Hosting today.
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To your success!
Glennette Goodbread, Owner
Premium Web Design and Hosting
This post is part of the 30 Day Blogger Challenge and the Ultimate Blog Challenge.