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Instructions For Setting Up a Google Plus Local Review in 5 Easy Steps

Aug 14, 2012

Google+ Local Write ReviewWith the new changes to Google+ Local, you may be wondering how this will affect reviews. You can relax as this change is actually one you should look forward to as they have actually managed to make it easier for your customers (clients, patients etc.) to leave detailed and accurate reviews and that is surely great for your business. The new process is easy, so easy that someone who has never left a review before can do it with no problems.

Instructions for Setting Up a Google+ Local review in 5 Easy Steps

Create a Google+ account.  You must have your own account in order to leave reviews.  The good news is that you can leave reviews from your personal profile or a Business Google+ Page account.

Visit the Google+ Local page of the business you want to review.  To do this, log into your Google account and click on “Local” on the left-hand side of the screen. Search using the box at the top and then click on the “Write a Review” button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. (Here is Premium Web's page as an example.)

Rate the business.  The new rating system uses the Zagat scale which asks you to rate the business from 0 to 3 on various aspects related to the particular business you are reviewing. Your ratings are all added together for a maximum rating of 30. Visitors to your page can accurately assess different aspects of the business.

Write a review.  In your review, you will want to provide enough  detail for the review to be helpful to potential customers.  Give your review a once over before you submit it and fix any errors.

Publish your review.  Once you are happy with the detailed review you have written,simply click on the “Publish” button.  Your reviews will be listed under your profile so keep that in mind when writing your review.

Take advantage of everything Google+ Local has to offer by enlisting the help of a competent professional like me, Glennette Goodbread owner of Premium Web Design.  I can be reached by phone, at (229) 888-0931 | Toll Free  888-832-2542.

Glennette Goodbread, Owner
Premium Web Design and Hosting

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