Make money with your blog. Believe it or not, not everyone wants to do it. Some are simply working to connect with others or to build a brand. However, if your goal is profits there are proven strategies to make it happen.
1 – Affiliate Marketing – The most common method for making money with your blog is to promote affiliate products or services. You simply write educational and informative blog posts about a niche and then combine that information with affiliate marketing tactics like embedding affiliate links in the posts to generate clicks and sales. Learn affiliate marketing from Rosalind Gardner's Super Affiliate Handbook.
2- Product Promotion – Another way to generate profits is to promote your own products or services. You can offer coupons and incentives, write copy that links to your sales page or publish advertisements. You can also offer freebies to build a list and then market to that list.
3 – Advertising – In addition to the money making methods above, you can sell ad space or make a profit from AdSense type programs. Advertising revenue can be enough if you have a large readership to generate a full time income.
Imagine working only a few hours a day and spending the rest of your time living the life you want to live. Your blog can generate the kinds of profits you’ve only dreamed of.
“The essence of a successful business is really quite simple. It is your ability to offer a product or service that people will pay for at a price sufficiently above your costs, ideally three or four or five times your cost, thereby giving you a profit that enables you to buy and to offer more products and services.”
-Brian Tracy
To learn more about blogs and how your business could benefit, contact Premium Web Design and Hosting today.
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To your success!
Glennette Goodbread, Owner
Premium Web Design and Hosting
This post is part of the 30 Day Blogger Challenge and the Ultimate Blog Challenge.