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Search Engine Optimization for Your Blog

Mar 29, 2011

If your blog has no traffic, it's pretty much useless to you. It's not worth your time unless of course your goal is to have an online journal. Don't worry. Optimizing for the search engines is a straightforward and fairly systematic process. You just need a plan and a bit of patience.

#1 Optimize your domain and content – Do some keyword research and then optimize your domain name and your content for your niche keywords. You can also utilize tagging to help reinforce keyword optimization of each post.

#2 Build links – Link directories, publishing great content people want to link to and participating in social networking will all help generate links to your blog. Good links mean better SEO. In fact, post links to your blog from your social networking website of choice from time to time to drive traffic and boost SEO rank.

#3 Utilize WordPress plugins. WordPress is hugely popular and there are thousands of  plugins, quite a few of which will optimize your blog automatically. Search engines love blogs because of their ability to generate consistent and easily indexed content. Learn how to drive traffic to your blog with proven marketing strategies! I use All in One SEO and an awesome plugin called Scribe SEO. Scribe allows you to write your content and then analyze each post to determine if search engines will like it. This post got a 73% score the first time because there wasn't enough content so I added in a few sentences. It also told me the word “blog” was used too much so I reworded a few places to ensure the search engines didn't think I was keyword stuffing.

Premium Web can help you with keyword research and search engine optimization because even though it's not rocket science, it does require a certain level of skill.

To learn more about blogs and how your business could benefit, contact Premium Web Design and Hosting today.

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To your success!
Glennette Goodbread, Owner

Premium Web Design and Hosting

This post is part of the 30 Day Blogger Challenge and the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

Glennette Goodbread - Managed WordPress Hosting Albany GA

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I create conversion-focused websites for service providers. You can finally have a website that's modern, mobile-friendly and hey, we might as well make it search-friendly while we're at it.

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