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Stop it! 10 Things To Quit Doing

Jan 11, 2013

Outsourcing Business TasksThere is a secret weapon many business owners employ (myself included) that others don't seem to see the true power of. Below is a guest post from business coach Barb Wade. Enjoy!

Top 10 Things You Should Stop Doing

Proper outsourcing can be the make or break of many small businesses and yet we often resist it. There are lots of excuses, but none of them actually hold any water.

“I can do it better.”

“I'll just do it quickly and get it out of the way.”

“It will cost me more to have someone else do this.”

And so on. The thing is, your time and energy are finite. And with all due respect, there are some things that someone else can do better!

You should only be doing the things that directly create revenue, involve exploring new business opportunities, that no one else can do, or that you really enjoy. That's it.

Because statistics show that if you keep trying to be a “one-person-band”, your business will not grow.

So here's my quick pick, Top Ten Things You Should Outsource List

10. Tasks You Don't Like, Aren't Good At, or Procrastinate Doing

9.   Implementing Campaign & Launch Strategies

8.   Formatting & Sending Your Newsletter

7.   “Busy Work” i.e. Organization, Filing, Back-ups

6.  Customer Service Including Reading and Answering General Emails

5.  Any Reoccurring Task That Can Be Systemized and Taught

5.  Planning and Posting Social Media

4.  Mundane Chores – House Cleaning, Grocery Shopping, Post Office

3.  Graphic & Website Design, Maintenance, and SEO

2.  Accounting and Billing

1.  Business Coaching – You Can't Mentor Yourself!

Now go out and STOP doing things!

Business Coach & Mentor Barb Wade specializes in teaching entrepreneurs how to make more money more easily while enjoying a business and lifestyle that reflects their priorities.

Download Barb's “Word-for-Word Scripts To Overcome Objections” and book more high-paying clients now at www.BarbWade.com.

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