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Blog Ideas: Where to Find Them

Mar 31, 2011

This may surprise you but the actual writing you do on your blog will be your biggest challenge. The biggest one will be coming up with what to blog about.

Here are 7 strategies to keep your content fresh and interesting.

1. Read magazines – Magazines are great for spinning information in a million different ways. Reading industry magazines will help you tap into the general public’s awareness and will help you come up with unique and fresh ways to look at ideas.

2. Read other blogs – Other blogs in your industry or complimentary industries will help you generate fresh ideas for your own blog. You may decide to elaborate on a post written by someone else or take an opposing position.

3. Read industry publications – Online publications like newsletters, whitepapers, case studies and the like are a great way to stay informed. You can write content about the data and information presented in these documents which helps establish your credibility and authority, it provides value and it helps generate a continuous stream of useful content.

4. Have a brainstorming/planning session – Sometimes just letting go of all the outside distractions and allowing yourself to think out of the box can generate hundreds of new and unique blog post ideas. Set time aside to brainstorm.

5. Pay attention to forums and chat rooms – Discussions on industry forums and chat rooms often generate some controversy but they also present new ideas, questions and room for elaboration on points you find to be valid or interesting. Use these sites to help you generate fresh content.

6. FAQs from clients and website visitors – What questions do you commonly hear from others? These make for awesome blog posts. Here's an example of a post Lynn Terry created after a conversation with me. Read it and learn “How To Create Passive Income Opportunities”.

7. Ask your readers what they want to know – This one seems like a no brainer but you'd be surprised how many peope don't bother with it. Go ahead and try it! Ask your readers what they want to know.

Content is essential for a profitable blog. To learn more about what types of content work best and how to make money blogging, contact Premium Web Design and Hosting today.

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To your success!
Glennette Goodbread, Owner

Premium Web Design and Hosting

This post is part of the 30 Day Blogger Challenge and the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

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